月相 Moon Cycle
Moon rules feminine energy, feeling, emotion, needs, sense of security, subconscious, and unconscious. Moon cycle is a cycle of Moon orbits a complete one round around the Earth. In this cycle we see up and down, brighter and dimmer, farther and nearer, bigger and smaller. Moon energy changes and affects us too, this energy affects the way we feel and the feminine side of us.
When the moon starts, and when the moon at its fullest, we call it new moon and full moon, moon energy becomes significant and impactful. No wonder more and more people talks about new moon and full moon nowadays as it gives us the strongest feeling of the energy.
New moon refers to the start of the cycle, so it is suitable to plant our seed - it is good to start a new journey, make wishes, set intention of our goal and even make new friends. The seed will continue to grow as after new moon it goes into a waxing phase, moon energy increases and continues to glow. 🌘🌗🌖🌕
When the moon reaches to its fullest, which is at a point that the sun and the moon are on the opposite sides of each others with earth in the middle, at this point we on earth can see the entire illuminated portion of the moon which is the brightest and nearest moment. This is the time that moon carries its highest energy and its our harvest time of our seed. After it the moon will go into waning phase which is a time good for cleansing, a time to clean and take away something which does not serve or suit us anymore. 🌕🌔🌓🌒
It’s interesting to study and feel the difference in the moon cycle, share if u have any feelings and observations around this 🌝💕
月亮跟女性能量, 如感覺, 情緒, 需要, 安全感, 潛意識及無意識有關. 而月亮以大約一個月的週期, 圍繞著地球而運行一圈, 過程中你會覺察到時近時遠, 時大時小, 時光時暗等. 除外觀以外, 月亮的能量在週期內也有變化, 影響著我們的感覺感性部分.
能量開始及到達最高峰時, 最容易令我們感應到及受到影響. 這就是新月及月圓這兩段時間.
新月是月亮週期的開始, 適合播下種子, 例如開展新旅程, 許願, 定立目標, 甚至是認識新朋友. 月亮在新月後進入上弦階段, 一個漸進成長的能量, 播下的種子在這個階段慢慢成長. 🌘🌗🌖🌕
當月亮運行至跟太陽對分, 到達月亮最亮最圓最近地球的時候, 就是能量最高的一刻. 這是一個種子週期成熟, 收割的時候. 此時適宜感恩我們的收穫, 並回顧一下做得好及值得改善的地方. 這是一個好好回顧自己令自己成長的過程. 月圓後月亮會進入下弦階段, 這時能量減弱被帶走, 因此是一個清洗及放下不再需要的能量的時候. 🌕🌔🌓🌒
留意月相及自己的情緒反應是一個好有趣的體驗. 大家可以留言分享一下你的感受及體驗啊 🌝💕