幽靈水晶 Phantom crystals
phantom series crystal is a variation of quartz, a quartz with blockage or heat interruption in the middle of the process of its crystallization. A special pattern forms when blockage causes mineral deposit on it and then afterwards the quartz itself continues to grow which leaves it with a special pattern.
Phantom crystal is an effective aura cleanser. It helps to remove any negative energy attached to our auric field and clear any blockage due to those bad experience we had in the past. This heals our emotional wounds effectively.
As such it’s good for those who injuries or gets hurt in the past, needs extra support to move forward and learn letting go of past traumas. It brings us more clarity and understanding into our life.
The color of phantom corresponds to different chakra. Choose depending on which chakra needs to be healed or simply through intuition 💎
幽靈水晶是在水晶的生長過程中, 受到了不同類型的火山泥影響, 沉積了一層礦物然後水晶繼續生長, 以致在水晶當中出現了特殊又獨特的圖案如金字塔, 水晶的倒影, 珊瑚礦物狀, 雲霧狀, 水草狀等等…
幽靈類水晶是良好的氣場淨化工具. 它能淨化負面能量, 特別是因為以往舊有傷痛, 卡在潛意識裡的舊有記憶, 它協助我們釋懷, 然後給予我們清晰的方向及目標, 帶領我們勇敢的向前走.
不同顏色的幽靈對應不同脈輪, 因此可因應需要選擇其顏色, 或以直覺選擇需要強化的能量部分 💎