粉晶 Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz connects to our heart chakra, which is the center of love. It opens up our heart to receive and emit love energy, embrace love, passion, kindness, compassion and tenderness.
Most popular use of Rose Quartz is to attract a partner and love relationship. Indeed it’s more than that. Love is with all kind and is unconditional, with an activating and awakening heart, our love frequency and consciousness rises up to a level which make us be a loving, kind and compassionate one. This love radiation we emit will return back to us, fill us with love, joy and happiness in return.
Let us learn to love and to be loved. Kindness makes u the most beautiful person in the world 🌎
may u all be in the space of love and light, miracle can happen through love 💕
粉晶連結我們的心輪, 一個充滿愛的地方. 它療癒我們的心, 幫助我們打開心扉, 願意去給予及接受愛, 令我們更包容, 慈悲, 仁善, 然後提升整體的親和力.
最常見的粉晶用途是以配戴粉晶吸引另一半, 得到愛情. 事實粉晶的用途可以更深入廣泛呢. 愛不單單是愛情關係, 還有親情, 友情, 甚至更重要的是自愛. 愛也是無條件的, 我們要學習無條件的包容, 學習以正確方式表達愛, 學習好好的去愛自己, 然後愛人, 這是心輪被滋養, 當我們愛的頻率得以提升時的最佳狀態.
當我們正向的發放愛的能量時, 這股能量會回饋, 這就是心輪在最理想時的正向能量流動.
願大家也能在最有光最有愛的地方, 發揮自己無限愛的可能性 💕