藍銅鑛 Azurite
Azurite cleanses and activates our throat and third eye chakra, enhancing creativity, inner wisdom , intuitivism and interpretation. Our sensitivity increases through it too.
Most of the situation Azurite comes with Malachite, this combination is excellent for tuning third eye, throat and heart chakras, soothe and give us a strong support to voice.
藍銅鑛對應喉輪及眉心輪, 可以加強我們的靈感, 洞察力及理解能力, 提升三眼的能量令我們提高對周邊事物的敏感度. 喉輪的能量能令我們好好的溝通表達所洞察的.
這是一塊好好用於疏通阻塞我們思維, 以幫助我們整理及表達的石頭呢~