螢石 Fluorite
Most of the fluorite comes with green and purple color, corresponds to our heart and third eye chakra. The green part purifies and opens up our heart, enables us to find out our true heart’s desires; the purple part purifies our mind, it clears our blockages and limits in our belief system and helps us to discover our divine purpose in this life. With both these 2 energies come together, the synergistic energy aligns our heart, mind, and soul according to our desires and spiritual purpose.
There is an element inside this stone called fluorescence, which has the ability to give off visible light by a substance that can absorb and store light and radiation. This characteristic reminds and guides us to glow and shine in the dark, break through our limitations and boundaries, inspire us to dream big and manifest our wishes.
螢石, 以綠色及紫色為主, 對應著我們的心輪及眉心輪. 綠色的部分清理我們心的部分, 令我們聆聽內心的聲音, 明白自己的渴望與熱情. 紫色的部分清晰我們的思維, 帶走阻擋著我們的限制信念, 令我們更自由地去追尋夢想及向人生及靈魂方向前進.
綠色及紫色的螢石能量在一起令共融了我們的心及思維. 心, 思維, 信念, 靈魂目的的一致令我們可以好好的向夢想進發, 思想行動一致, 落實及成真.
營石內有一種螢光劑物質, 這種物質會吸收光能及輻射, 在黑暗中轉化為光發放. 這種獨特性提示讓我們體會及明白我們在黑暗中要存有夢想及希望, 堅持自己, 發光發亮 💡💥