金髮晶 Gold rutilated quartz
Gold rutilated quartz contains rutile, a mineral made of titanium oxide, appears in a quartz in tiny golden hair form. Rutile emits a clarifying radiance, thus has its powerful cleansing and purifying effect. It has cohesive power too, it coheres energy to strengthen our energy field.
Gold rutilated quartz corresponds to solar plexus chakra, refers to our strength, identity, value and achievement. As such is a powerful healing stone for increasing our self confidence, determination, courage, independence, and self-dignity.
金髮晶是一種內含礦物的水晶, 內裡有一絲絲狀黃色的礦物名叫金紅石. 金紅石有強烈的能量能迅速疏通阻塞的能量, 並使之重新集中排列. 金髮晶對應太陽神經叢, 對應我們跟擁有有關的豐盛, 價值部分, 因此能提升我們的信心, 令人自信, 堅強, 果斷, 提升整體的內在力量.