黑碧璽 black tourmaline
black tourmaline, with its unique dark coloration and fiber-like capillaries, has a high ability to first absorb then release negative energy and bad vibes through this tube-like energy flow, without compromising its own energy. This characteristic makes black tourmaline a good energetic barrier between us and the outside, protects us from any negativity in our surroundings.
Other than energy protection, black tourmaline corresponds to our root chakra, its highly grounding and stabilizing properties, can increase our sense of security, make us feel stable, safe, secure. Grounding also helps us to put our thoughts into action, be practical in life.
2 tips that i would like to share using black tourmaline:
While u find yourself not sleeping well, or not practical, not focus concentrate enough, put a raw black tourmaline ore at bed end or make anklets and wear it at night. This can help to ground u - to connect u with the earth and bring awareness to our physical, avoid us thinking too much and too floaty in life.
Secondly, to protect ur home or a space, put black tourmaline either (1) besides the door or (2) put one black tourmaline ore in each corner of ur home to seal the place.
Black tourmaline is such a powerful protective one, though it looks dull not attractive, it is for me a must-have collection 🪨
黑碧璽, 它深黑色及條狀紋理的獨特性, 令它有強大的吸收負能量然後排解的功能, 因此它可以不斷吸收負能量而不影響其自身的能量. 這樣的特性令黑碧璽成為好好的負能量阻隔屏障, 阻擋被外界負能量入侵.
除了能量保護方面, 黑碧璽對應我們的底輪部分, 幫助我們能好好的扎根於大地. 它令我們的能量跟地球連結, 帶來實在, 穩定, 安全感, 特別適合落實實踐.
當感覺自己睡得不好, 太多胡思亂想, 太’漂’, 人不太著地實際時, 可以在睡覺時放一個黑碧璽原石在腳底, 又或做成腳鏈戴著.
另一個是用以保護家庭或空間. 可以放一個黑碧璽原石在家門, 又或家中的四個角落各放一個, 形成一個保護空間, 防止外間不需要的或不好的能量進入空間.
黑碧璽外型黑黑實實暗暗沉沉的並不討好, 但絕對時是一個極佳的保護石我認為是必收藏的晶石之一 🪨