摩根石 Morganite

Healing case study: here comes a client who has no idea about crystals. She is impressed by her friend about the miracle happened after bringing Amethyst & Citrine back home, out of curiosity she comes to search for one which suits herself the most.

I did an aura scanning and felt her weakness in heart chakra - i asked her to feel several crystals which is associated to heart chakra, end up she got a strong feeling when holding Morganite. She couldn't well describe the exact feeling but she could feel lots of joyful and happiness energy when holding it on hand.

I like so much Morganite too, it's colorful with a candy-like outlook which is such a nice accessory for mix & match. It is also a very powerful healing stone to heal any hurts or injured part in our past relationship, filled us with love and trust energy to move forward ♥️


個案分享: 一位客人對水晶沒多認識, 聽身邊朋友説水晶好有效想一試. 來到店舖, 她迷惘的看著面前一堆水晶手鏈, 不知從何入手. 我就為她做了個脈輪掃描, 發現她心輪明顯好弱啊, 就試著給她感應心輪水晶. 對水晶沒多感受的她好喜歡我推介她的摩根石, 她説戴著就感到好開心, 好神奇.

摩根石我自己也好喜歡, 除外觀像糖果好美之外, 它對應我們的心輪, 幫助我們修復以往的受傷部份, 重新建立愛的認知, 了解愛的本質, 令人重拾愛與幸福感 ♥️