生命之樹 Tree of Life
Tree of Life is a symbol representing new born, birth and rebirth - tree loses their leaves and seems to be dead in winter, but their new buds appear again in spring with nice fresh leaves unfurl. It’s growth and strength characteristic proves its vitality too, which in total symbolizes a very promising beginning of new life and a fresh new start.
Tree of Life is a powerful connector. Root of tree digs into the earth itself and the branches at top of the tree spread and link up to the sky, it links up and down. In Kabbalah system, Tree of life connects elements and energy centres as well. All in all it’s all about connection, a linkage linking everything in the universe in different perspective.
In all aspects this geometry carries powerful energy and it is good for bringing us luck, good start, prosperity and fortune 💫
生命之樹, tree of life, 代表著萬物與生命的起始與循環, 闡釋了出生, 活著, 死亡和再生的生生不息.
生命之樹也連貫了四元素, 地風火水, 也道出了能量的起始演變.
總括而言, 他形象化, 貫穿也解釋了宇宙萬物, 包括能量, 元素, 生命循環起始之間的關連.
生命之樹圖騰就是一個代表創造, 繁衍, 茂密生長著的能量. 創造以外, 也有重新, 新開始的意思. 因此非常適合需要發展, 創意及為新一頁帶來美好的祝福啊 🌱🌳