能量金字塔 Orgonite

What is Orgonite? Orgonite is a substance made of resin, metals and quartz. This combination forms an energy called orgone, or etheric energy, which can balance and harmonize bio-energy.

Etheric energy was discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Reich in year 1939 using a modified Geiger counter, and he named this energy orgone. In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg in Germany, published a result of their study and displayed evidence the existence of orgone and its effect on humans. 

Orgonite starts getting popular in 2000, when Don and Carol Croft, discovered that mixing organic resin and metals attract etheric energy. They move one step further and found that adding quartz in this mixture is more incredible, it transmutes all the negative energy into a positive.

Flowerstone uses this theory, adding our own design, creates a series of Orgonite products which can help not only transforming energy, plus, its colorful and unique design can also be a nice home and office decoration 🌸

能量金字塔是什麼? 能量金字塔是以金屬, 水晶及樹脂膠組合而成. 這個組合會令製成品發放一種叫乙太能量, orgone, 一種積極正面的生命能量. 這種能量能令人產生健康正面的影響.

乙太能量最先由威廉•赫許博士, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, 於1939年發現. 及後由德國馬爾堡大學的科學家們在1986年證實此概念及其對身心產生的積極正面效果. 乙太能量的真正廣泛使用是從2000年, 一對美國夫婦, Don & Carol Croft, 以混合樹脂膠及金屬碎片以產生赫許博士發現的orgone. 他們還發現加入一些水晶能進一步強化整體效果, 能令負面的乙太能量轉變成正面, 積極的能量.

我們跟據這套理論, 加入我們的設計, 製作了一系列的能量金字塔, 轉化負能量, 帶來正面能量以外也能作為美觀的裝飾擺設呢 ~