Findhorn Flower Essence Oral Spray - Clear Light 25ml 芬活清晰思維花精噴霧 25ml

Findhorn Flower Essence Oral Spray - Clear Light 25ml 芬活清晰思維花精噴霧 25ml

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findhornFindhorn Flower Essence Spray, a blessed energy drink, from Scotland - this is a combination essence containing vibratory signature of one or more flowers, gemstones or classical elements, designed to support commonly shared life issues.

Clear Light Flower Essence Spray 25ml

- peaceful state of mind
- mental clarity and brightness
- bringing higher wisdom and inspiration

this oral spray is made with infused energy including Broom, Birch, Lady’s Mantle, Rose Alba, Scots Pine and Wild Pansy. Energy is kept with ~12% of organic brandy. This is an excellent aid for meditation and study.

來自蘇格蘭芬活的複方花精噴霧系列 - 這是一款複方口服花精噴霧, 以多種花能量配合而成, 用以對應特定的能量狀態, 及處理一般常見問題.

芬活清晰思維花精噴霧 25ml

- 帶來頭腦上的平靜安穏
- 清晰思維
- 提升智慧, 帶來更多靈感與啟發

此口服噴霧以金雀花, 白樺樹, 斗篷草, 白薔薇, 歐洲赤松, 以及三色堇製作而成. 花的能量以大約12% 的烈酒保存.