Findhorn Flower Essences from Scotland - this is a series of aromatherapy mist infuses the atmosphere with its therapeutic properties.
Psychic Protection, Safe Mist 50ml
- safe and secure energy
- strong in myself
this mist is made with pure essential oils of Angelica, Helichrysum and Cedarwood, with the infused flower vibration of flowers including Ancient Yew, Daisy, Iona Pennywort, Rose Alba, Thistle, Watercress and Wintergreen.
來自蘇格蘭芬活的花精噴霧 - 這是一款花精以外, 加入精油, 適合用於空間的噴霧, 噴灑後會令空間帶來陣陣天然精油的淡淡香氣, 為空間及氣場帶來精油及花精的療癒效果
芬活靈性保護花精噴霧 50ml
- 帶來安全安心舒適的能量
- 強化心理質素
此噴霧以白芷, 永久花, 以及雪松純精油, 並加入以下花精, 包括紫杉, 雛菊, 玉杯, 白薔薇, 薊花, 西洋菜, 冬青樹製作而成